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© 2000 Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
$Date: 2000/06/14 11:23:12 $

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DBDependency is a Java application that visually displays the dependencies between database objects on a graph using the OpenJGraph library.

The latest release supports Oracle8/8i and MS SQL Server 6.5 databases. If you are familiar with the data dictionary of your favourite RDBMS and would like it to be supported, all you have to do, in general, is implement one interface. That's it. That's it? Yes! For more information, see the "Contribute" section.

The application is currently limited to derive the direct dependents and dependees of a database object. Dependencies between the selected database object's dependents and dependees are also shown. Future releases will allow configuration of how deep the dependency you want generated.

14 June 2000 - News
Release 0.1.1 is out and works with the new release of OpenJGraph 0.7.0. If you have any problems using DBDependency 0.1.1 with OpenJGraph 0.7.0, please let me know.

Release 0.1.0 will only work with OpenJGraph 0.6.x.

$Id: index.html,v 1.12 2000/06/14 11:23:12 john Exp $
Author: Jesus M. Salvo Jr.

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