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DBDependency - Download and Installation

1. Requirements

2. Download

Download is available from the following FTP server and directory:

Alternatively, you may want to obtain the sources via anonymous CVS:

  1. Export CVSROOT:


  2. Then login:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT login

    When prompted for a password, simply press the Enter key.

  3. Finally, do an export:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT export -r dbdependency-0_1_1 dbdependency

    If instead you used:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT co dbdependency

    ... the sources that you will be getting using checkout may include interim changes between releases, which may make or break your copy of DBDependency. So use export.

  4. Logout:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT logout

3. Installation

  1. Make sure that the user you will use to run DBDependency has read and execute privileges on all the installed softwre and libraries that are required as listed above.
  2. Extract the DBDependency archive to a directory of your choice. The directory structure stored within the archive needs to be maintained after being extracted for the proper execution of the scripts.
  3. Modify the environment variables in the scripts.

    For Linux/UNIX users, modify,, and
    For Windows users, modify compileall.bat, mkjavadoc.bat, and run.bat.

    You need to modify the following environment variables that are indicated below to match your environment. These are used as part of the CLASSPATH when compiling and running DBDependency.

  4. The archive already contains pre-compiled classes. If you like, you can recompile the sources by running (for Linux/UNIX users) or compileall.bat (for Windows users).

4. Running DBDependency

  1. After you have succesfully installed DBDependency and modified the environment variables in the scripts to reflect your environment, execute (for Linux/UNIX users) or run.bat (for Windows users) from the main directory where the scripts are located.

    If it complains of not being able to find certain Java classes, make sure you have setup the environment variables in the script correctly.

  2. At this point, you should get the DBDependency Frame window. Selected "Database" from the menu then select "Connect...". The application will read the configuration file config.xml for the list of predefined database connections.

    It should then display a dialog box prompting you for information to connect to a database. You can select one of the predefined connections, then select the "Edit" button to modify the parameters for the database connection, or create a new entry by selecting the "New" button.

    Database Connection dialog

    You should modify the URL to the database of a pre-defined connection as the existing URLs are specific only to my environment. You must also use a database username that has access to your RDBM's data dictionary.

    Any changes made will be saved to the configuration file. The password is never saved in the configuration file.

  3. Select "Connect" from the dialog box. DBDependency will then close the Database Connection dialog and get information about the database such as the schemas and the available database objet types.

  4. The tree control on the left side of the window will show you the available schemas in the database. Expanding one of the nodes will show you a list of database object types defined in the database repository. Expanding further the object types will show you the list of database objects of that type that are owned by the schema in the tree hierarchy.
  5. Select one of the database objects in the tree control. DBDependency will then proceed to determine the first level dependencies of the selected database object. This process may take some time, depending on the number of dependents and dependees that the database object has. After it has finished, the dependencies will be displayed as a graph on the window.

$Id: download.html,v 1.7 2000/06/14 11:50:00 john Exp $
Author: Jesus M. Salvo Jr.

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