Below is a screenshot of the dependencies of the package body SYS.DBMS_DEBUG from an Oracle8i Linux database.
We can see from here that SYS.DBMS_DEBUG depends on:"So what?", you ask. "Oracle Enterprise Manager's Schema Manager already tells me that." Yes it does, but this goes a bit further. Unlike Schema Manager, which shows you the dependents and dependees of a database object in separate views (tabpages), this one show you both in one view.
Furthermore, the application will also show you any dependencies between the database object's dependents and dependees. For example, package SYS.PBREAK depends on package SYS.DBMS_DEBUG.
The library used to draw the graph still needs to be polished, in that conflicts are not fully resolved. For example, drag the vertex representing the package SYS.DBMS_DEBUG, and you will see that there is an edge from package SYS.PBRPH to SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_V2COLL.